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- Written by: Stephen S. Leven
- Text Line Processor For the C-64 and
- VIC 20 -- Part 2
- PowerPlay Magazine, July 1985
- Page 108
- In the last issue of PowerPlay
- Magazine, Steve and his neighbor,
- Aaron, created a mini word processor.
- This issue they modify it to make it
- easier to use.
- TEXT LINE PROCESSOR has a few changes
- that are worth noting. First is the
- flashing cursor. Now you can actually
- see where you are about to type.
- Second is the end of line marker. This
- marker allows 80 characters to be
- entered and then sent to the printer.
- An enhancement that will cure many
- people's problems is what is known as
- the quote-mode fix. Whenever a quote
- is typed, the computer goes into
- quote mode. In this mode, all the
- cursor movements with the control
- keys (cursor keys, insert, etc...)
- appear in funny looking reverse text.
- By telling the computer that a quote
- was NOT typed, we can type the cursor
- keys as much as we like. Quote mode
- is turned off by a POKE 212,0.
- This program is copyrighted by
- PowerPlay magazine. All rights to it
- are reserved. LOADSTAR has relieved
- you from the burden of keying in this
- program. For more complete
- information about this program, refer
- to the July 1985 issue of PowerPlay
- Magazine.
- >Files used: LINE WRITER V/64
- --------------------------------------